Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun Friday!

I went back to the Dr. today and (drum roll please!) we saw a heartbeat! It was so AWESOME! I started crying. Each little milestone just makes me more and more excited. We are going to tell M today after school and C's parents this weekend. We bought M a book today about being a big brother. I think he will really like it.
We did not get to have M's baptism last Sunday because he woke up with a fever and upset stomach. So we have rescheduled for March 1, a day before my birthday. What an awesome gift, to see my baby boy baptized for my birthday. You can't beat that! M has baseball tryouts tomorrow and I hope he does well. He is excited about it and we are looking forward to it also. I always love to watch his games.
A few prayer requests: my friend Ashley had IUI this week. Now she plays the waiting game and will find out in a few weeks if it took or not. Please be in prayer for her. Her and her husband have been trying for a few years and have longed for a family of their own. Also, a little girl in M's class lost her mother in a car wreck this week. The little girl's name is Sadie. Please pray for these families. I also have a prayer request about my job. It does not seem worthwhile for me to work after the baby arrives because of the cost of childcare for both kids, I will not be bringing home very much. I am toying with the idea of keeping kids in my home. Actually, C and I have been praying about it and God is opening doors for me to lean more towards this decision.
Also, I have been totally exhausted this week. By lunch time everyday, I feel like I need I nap. I also have been nauseated ALOT. When I eat and when I don't. The Dr. gave me an antinausea medicine today and I plan on using it. C will vouch for me being a mega witch. I have had a few breakdowns this week. I've mostly been worrying about the future and the whole job thing. I've cried at least twice this week and talked pretty hateful to C for no reason. My hormones are out of control. BUT, I wouldn't trade what I'm feeling for ANYTHING! God has blessed us beyond measure.
I will post the reactions we receive from family and friends when we tell them the great news this weekend.

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