Sunday, February 1, 2009

A new beginning

So, I've never done this before and really don't enjoy writing. I thought, however, I would use this blog to keep up with our journey through infertility and pregnancy. We went through infertility tx for 3 years and finally conceived our son in 2001. In 2003, we went back and tried IUI twice. Both times were unsuccessful.
We just finished a round of IUI (intrauterine insemination) and it was successful. Our first try in 6 years and everything went perfectly. I found out last Wednesday, Jan. 28 that my pregnancy test came back positive. I am ECSTATIC! God's hand has been totally in this and we give Him ALL the glory. We continue to pray that everything will go smoothly.
I still have some hyper stimulation from the meds but other than that, I feel really good. Tomorrow I go back to Dr. H's for my lab work and pray that my Beta HCG continues to rise. We have not told M (our son) or the grandparents, and won't until we have an ultrasound. We are trying to think of a really co way to tell them. M has been asking for a little brother or sister for the longest time. I think he will be very excited.
I will post more tomorrow with lab results.

1 comment:

  1. I can not quit crying!! Im so so excited!! I love you!!
